Restoration Schools Network

The Restoration Schools Project will create a network of K-12 schools throughout the United States where students will actively study and take part in the work of environmental restoration, becoming advocates for their local environments. A network of Restoration Schools will engage students in the most important hands-on science and history project imaginable, all in order to save our planet and create the next generation of environmental stewards. This intersectional project brings together educational development, environmental restoration, and economic skill-building.

Like the New York Harbor School and the Billion Oyster Project, each Restoration School would implement curricula and organize student and teacher time to restore a keystone species in the school’s local ecosystem, by learning the history and science of their species then becoming public advocates for it.

The Restoration Schools Network will not only work with local groups but will partner with national environmental organizations and like-minded companies to share best practices. We envision students throughout the country taking charge of their learning of 21st Century STEM-related skills, while purposefully restoring their local ecosystems, one student and one keystone species at a time.


Community Development